Sunday, June 21, 2009

So Perth it is!

Well, it's official! I am heading to Perth! I have been in contact with the executive director of the Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia and he seems delighted to have me join his team!

I'm thrilled! I really can't wait. From what I've read, it seems like it's going to be such a great place to work. I am anticipating a pretty steep learning curve, though I do hope that my current knowledge will also be of value to the centre.

I'll post more info as I get it!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Trying out a new keyboard

Well, I've decided to keep a blog for my time away in Australia.

Being that I'm not there yet, and I'm leaving in roughly 8 weeks, I figure that I should at least get a handle on how this "blogging" stuff works.

So here I am, using one of those "mini" computers, as I've just recently found out are called Netbooks, very shnazy! Only difficulty I've found with this new itty bitty computer is that the keyboard is also micro sized. My fingers just don't seem to work well on it.

So I put my great problem solving skills to work. If this keyboard doesn't work for me, what else could? I could always plug in an external keyboard, though awkward to drag around with me... so why not one of those flexible keyboards?

I went to staples and... voila! I'm trying it out as I type. I read some pretty bad reviews about the flexible keyboards, but I'm actually not minding it so much. I think that it will be a welcomed addition to my trip!